
Samba is a high energy, rhythmical Latin dance reminiscent of the Brazilian Carnival celebrations.

It has its roots in African and Brazilian music and culture where there are many styles of samba, including a style as a solo dance. However, the samba danced in Brazil is very different from the samba which became a ballroom dance in the 1930s.

Samba is characterized by a vertical bounce action, which is challenging to learn, but which gives samba a unique feel and look. Those who dance samba are challenged to make this action appear effortless and carefree. The bounce action in samba is quite difficult to master and not recommended for the beginner dancer.

Samba is danced to music with a tempo of about 100 beats per minute and is written in 2/4 or 4/4 time.

Examples of Samba songs:

  • Madonna- La Isla Bonita
  • Gal Costa – Aquarela do Brasil
  • Demônios da Garoa – Trem das Onze.
  • Beth Carvalho – Vou Festejar.
  • Bezerra da Silva – Malandro é Malandro e Mané é Mané

Samba History

Samba is a style of dance and music from Brazil. It developed from a complex mix of influences including West African slaves brought to Bahia, a region in Brazil, by Portuguese traders. The dance and drumming customs of these enslaved people eventually developed into Samba.

Contact The Dancing Duo today about Samba Lessons! Also check our calendar to see if this is currently being taught!