Hustle, also called disco, is an energetic, easy and exhilarating dance that is great fun to learn.
It is characterized by spins, turns, wraps, and arm styling for the lady.
Hustle has a basic rhythm of 4 steps that are counted &1 2 3 in which the “& 1” is a syncopated rock step (2 steps on 1 beat of music). This is the “3 count Hustle .” Many people find the “4 count hustle” easier to learn because each step is on one beat of music; therefore 4 count is a little slower.
Hustle can be danced to a variety of music, but is characteristically very upbeat and lively.
Examples of Hustle music
- Barry White- Can’t Get Enough of Your Love Babe
- The Bee Gees- You Should Be Dancing
- Cher- One By One
- Jennifer Hudson- Spotlight
- Rick AstleyTogether Forever
Hustle History
Hustle is a dance that grew up during the 1970s in dance clubs in New York City and spread through the country following the release of the blockbuster film, Saturday Night Fever. As the popularity of Hustle grew, it evolved and changed with influences from other types of dances. Hustle was primarily a slot dance in which the lady moved down the slot, or track, and the leader moved off the slot while the lady did walks, turns, spins, etc.
Contact The Dancing Duo today about Hustle Lessons! Also check our calendar to see if this is currently being taught!